
How to set up a dial in PPP connection
在 AIX 设置拨号连接

Setting up a dial in PPP connection

1, Check that the Async Point to Point Protocol software is installed :-

lslpp -l bos.net.ppp

If not installed, then install using smit install_latest

2, Create a tty to attach the modem to :-

smit maktty
select "tty rs232 Asynchronous Terminal"
select the parent adapter

a, fill in the port number
b, set "Enable LOGIN" to enable
c, select the baud rate required
d, set the flow control to rts (RTS/CTS)
e, leave all other options at their default values

Test the modem and the port by dialing in from a Windows95 machine using
hyperterminal and logging into the RS6000 as root. If you are able to
dialin and log on to the system then the tty port and modem are okay.

3, Create a PPP user called "ppp" and set the password :-

mkuser ppp
passwd ppp
pwdadm -f NOCHECK ppp

4, Setting up PPP

smit ppp
select "Link Control Configuration"
select "Add a Link Configuration"
enter the following details :-

a, PPP subsystem name [ppp]
b, max server connections [1]
c, max client connections [0]
d, max demand connections [0]
e, max ip interfaces [1]
f, max async hdlc attachments [1]

leave all other options at their default values

smit ppp
select "PPP IP Interfaces"
select "Add a Server Interface"
enter the following details :-

a, Local IP address []
b, Starting Remote IP address []
c, Number of addresses [1]
d, Netmask []

5, Start PPP using :-

startsrc -s pppcontrold

Check that the ppp control daemon is running using:-

lssrc -s pppcontrold

Check that the pp# network interfaces have been created using :-

netstat -in

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