
How to set up stand-Alone Web-based System Manager
配置 Web-based 系统管理

Stand-Alone Web-based System Manager

Web-based System Manager applications can be run on an AIX machine with Web-based System Manager installed just like other AIX applications. When Web-based System Manager applications are run in this method, no data is transferred over the network. Running Web-based System Manager applications in stand-alone mode requires a graphics terminal.

Installing Stand-alone Web-based System Manager
Web-based System Manager should be installed with the base operating system. The sysmgt.websm.apps fileset pre-reqs the necessary filesets. If this fileset is installed,then Web-based System Manager will be available.


(base operating system)

(SMIT contextual helps fileset)


Java.rte 1.1.2
(Java virtual machine with Java 1.1.2 support)

(TCP/IP Client Support)

Configuring Stand-alone Web-based System Manager
No configuration is necessary for running stand-alone Web-based System Manager applications.

Running Stand-alone Web-based System Manager
From the command line:
Web-based System Manager can be started with the command wsm. This will bring up a launch application from which all Web-based System Manager applications can be launched. The following fastpaths are also supported:

Application Fastpath
Backups wsm backup
Devices wsm devices
File Systems wsm fs
NIM wsm nim
Network wsm network
PC Services wsm pc
Printer Queues wsm printers
Processes wsm processes
Registered Applications wsm register
Software wsm software
Subsystems wsm subsystems
System wsm system
Users wsm users
Volumes wsm lvm
Workload Management wsm wlm
Web-based System Manager Launch App wsm

From the Desktop:
Open the Desktop Application Manager. Then open the System Admin folder. There will be icons for each of the Web-based System Manager applications. The icon for the Web-based System Manager Launch application is called the Web-based System Manager Launch Pad.

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